Saturday, 7 January 2012

Fashion-Futurism; It was written, still is, and will always be...

Well, according to Fashionising dot com, futurism is something of a paradox. "The future cannot be predicted; but in envisioning it, we can create self-fulfilling prophecies. You could go crazy just thinking about it – so instead let’s just say that the dawn of a new decade has sent 2010′s fashion trends into sci-fi and futurism overdrive." These are the oh so boldly stated views of fashionising dot com... With that said, I say, follow me on this 'futuristic' insightful tour on what futuristic-fashion REALLY is, where it's headed, and how the world is gonna get there... This is how I, would personally describe futuristic fashion; more about future environments and less about gadgetry. I won't lie, I somewhat stand corrected but I repeat, this is my personal opinion. The general public - YES US - is faced with collections that contemplate evolutionary change, if not, dystopia. Topics of science fiction are woven into the threads of some designers’ clothing, while others base their designs on more traditional views of futurism. A whole other world on it's own I know, but read on and get to what I'm trying to say here...
Apparently the futuristic influences upon fashion in 2010 were far and wide. We saw everything from the re-interpretation of 1960s views of space age fashion (like the raised collars and metallic fabrics of Louise Goldin), through to reptilian eco-evolutionary creatures by Alexander McQueen and Julien MacDonald; while the likes of Karl Lagerfeld had metallic foil detailing which more called to mind the abstract art of the original early 20th century... Great transition for international fashion and the global platform I must say! In all honesty though, if anything, the continual thread through it all is a deep contemplation about what the future might hold. Interestingly enough, there seems to be more wonder than there happens to be excitement; science, technology, and the environment evoke WONDER as opposed to EXCITEMENT. But it’s not all doom and gloom. Futuristic themes can be fun and playful, as well as stark and fierce. So there's a little light at the end of the tunnel folks... On the other hand, Alexander McQueen’s dresses translate well to the streets but only on account that all that stuff is left behind; as do many others of the sci-fi inspired looks. The key here is to be bold and embrace things a little strange and, well... Alien-like! What one can additionally do is play them down by pairing futuristic pieces with more classic ones (striking a balance between the two worlds). Keep in mind that when it comes to the future, we’re dealing with something that doesn’t exist yet… and so, the possibilities are endless. Hence, there are no over-exaggerations with regard to futuristic-fashion, just eternal possibilities and outcomes.
Louis Goldin Spring/Summer 2010
Alexander McQueen Spring/Summer 2010 (above)... The world is and has BEEN making a major shift, in terms of technology and all of the other industries it fuels. Fashion in particular is growing and expanding its boundaries immensely, read and get schooled while you're at it. Mark Tutton for CNN, writes: 'Is that your dress ringing? It could be, if you're wearing an M-Dress -- a silk garment that doubles as a mobile phone. Produced by UK firm CuteCircuit, the M-Dress works with a standard SIM card. When the dress rings, you raise your hand to your head to answer the call. This futuristic fusion of fashion and technology is becoming more common as clothes designers are increasingly incorporating electronics into their garments. Jane McCann, Director of Smart Clothes and Wearable Technology at the University of Wales, says the clothing and electronics industries are collaborating in an unprecedented way -- what she describes as "a new industrial revolution." McCann predicts that in the next 10 years clothes will have all kinds of in-built functionality. "A garment might have devices on it to help you find your way somewhere, or to tell you how fit you are. It could tell you where someone is to help you meet them, or tell you what's on at a museum or club," she told CNN. She says that while the sports and fitness industries have led the way in wearable technology, producing shoes with built-in pedometers and active wear with integral iPod controls, the fashion industry is currently lagging behind. "Wearable technology is coming through into useful everyday clothing more than it is on the catwalk. The catwalk still treats wearable tech as flashing earrings or sensational things," McCann says. While high fashion may be slow to adopt practical technology, designers have been quick to embrace technology in order to create dazzling new styles. Hussein Chalayan, twice British Designer of the Year, has used his shows to experiment with dresses that glow with built-in LEDs or emit spectacular red lasers. Others, like Angel Chang, have produced beautiful designs using thermochromic inks that change color when you touch or breathe them, while Montreal's XS Labs has used a shape-memory alloy called Nitinol to produce extraordinary dresses that change shape while you wear them. As well as functionality, McCann predicts that mass customization will emerge as a major trend in clothing. "You can already go into a sizing booth and get measurements of your size and shape. Perhaps you could store that information on a card and that could be used to customize clothing. "In theory, if you've got technology that's cutting out garments one at a time it could produce clothes informed by your own size requirements," she says. But mass customization could extend beyond getting the perfect fit -- you might also be able to customize the technology in your clothes. McCann explains, "You might want built-in controls for an MP3 player but I might like heart-beat monitoring. I'd like mine to have a digital print of the sleeve but my friend wants a picture of her boyfriend on the back. Some of that could happen in the 10 years."' With that said, cutecircuit dot com takes us into more depth, with regard to the functions of this revolutionary dress... 'The M-Dress is an elegant silk jersey dress that is also a functional soft electronics mobile phone. The M-Dress accepts a standard SIM card and allows the wearer to receive and make calls without carrying a cellular phone in their pocket or purse. Simplicity is elegance. The M-Dress (Mobile Phone Dress) was designed after our research showed that very often phone calls are missed because mobile phones are quite awkward to carry, especially for women, that have garments with small or no pockets.To allow women to stay connected while remaining stylish, CuteCircuit designed the M- Dress. A mobile phone in its own right but built out of soft circuitry. The wearer inserts their usual SIM card in the small slot underneath the label and the dress is ready to be used, having the same phone number as your usual phone. When the dress rings, the simple gesture of bringing your hand to the ear will allow the sensor to open the call and when done talking the gesture of releasing the hand downwards will close the call. CuteCircuit introduced special gesture recognition software to allow the M-Dress to work in an easy and intuitive way.'
The M-Dress (above)... Buzzfeed then mentions predictions made in the 1930's concerning futurism in the fashion industry, for the year 2000. Well, you have just GOT to give it to them! Their predictions have proven to be accurately reflected by Lady Gaga's futuristic suit in one of her music videos, elen years later their prediction date. Now THAT, is what I call Awesome Intuition ladies and gentlemen!
A very graphic interpretation of the subject at hand is given by Sleepingartist dot info, where English "perfomance art" fashion designer Gareth Pugh's work is reviewed in a fantasy-painting manner. Brace yourselves: 'But I love the experimental forms and fabrics. Playing with the human form until it’s barely recognizable. Many of his clothes aren’t very wearable, but how often haute couture is? It’s supposed to be a ready-to-wear collection, so maybe Pugh is  trying to bring more “individuality” and craziness into street fashion. Pugh has said that he’s barely sold any of his pieces, so he’s a very poor man indeed. Fashion critics praise him and love him, but he scrapes by. I admire his passion to create anything he can conjure up in his wildest dreams, even though he must know that many people won’t wear them. If they’re pricey, you’ll want to be able to move around in them and stuff, not just look good. Even Beyoncé wears them when she’s performing or doing promo. I’d like something you could wear to work and look stunning and oh so cool. Imagine we lived in some weird avant-gardistic space age. My view of the future has changed from dystopia to utopia. Completely unrealistic, I know, but I like living inside my head in clean and cultivated future surroundings.
In my dreams, everyone would be walking around in Pugh’s clothes. It would be such a pleasure to go outside and watch people.'
Now there's a breathe of fresh air, like a totally different world on its own I know! Just goes to show that we all live in a world of our own, be it existent, or non-existent. Fact remains, a whole lot is still on it's way and it's up to YOU to have an open-mind and expect, well, the REALLY unexpected. I repeat, it was written, still is, and will always be.

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